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Write 12d File

This option will write the current job into a 12d file.

Include Points
Tick this box to include points in the 12d file. They will be written as a Points string.

Include Strings
Tick this box to include points in the 12d file. They will be written as a Points string.

Include Text
Tick this box to include points in the 12d file. They will be written as a Points string.

Include Triangle Mesh
Tick this to include the triangles in the 12d file. It will be written as a Tin.

This is the model name used for the tin in the 12d file.

GeoSurvey to 12d Conversion Algorithm

1. Write GeoSurvey Strings
Data is written to the 12d file in this order:
2. Write Text 3. Write GeoSurveyPoints

Data is written to the 12d file in this order:

Black strings are automatically changed to white.
For a 12d model name the allowable characters are 0-9, A-Z, a-z and _ is converted to a space.
All other characters will be removed.

For string names the allowable characters are 0-9, A-Z, a-z, .+-,()= and _ is converted to a space.
Underscore characters '_' are changed to spaces.